Crematories, Embalmers, Funeral Homes & Directors, Taylor Funeral Home; Funeral Pre-Plan We are a full-service funeral home specializing in: Special Limousine & Transport Services, Funeral Program Design & Printing, Domestic & International Shipping, Pre-Need Arrangements Caskets, Vaults & Urns, Limousine Service, Obituary Support Funeral Services, Notary Public, Cremations, Aftercare. Taylor Funeral Home strives to provide those we serve a service complete in every detail and faultlessly executed in honor of a life that can henceforth be but a fond memory. We offer the highest quality in professional services,facilities and equipment. We provide A Living Service for the Living by offering pre-arranged and pre-funded funeral plans,insurance consulting,and notary service to help with the many details that come with making funeral arrangements. We also provide professional,caring,and courteous after care support to assist families and friends as they go through the grieving process.