I've been going to Chiropractors for a long time, on and off, and Dr. Tauer's approach is superior to any of the other ones I have visited.
I can walk in with an ache or a pain, keep it to myself, and he can touch a place on my spine, and I'll say ""That hurts"" and then he'll proceed to tell me what the area controls before he adjusts it. If I have a headache and I say ""It hurts right there"", he'll say ""That causes headaches"", then he'll make an adjustment and touch it again and it no longer hurts to touch, and by the time I get to my car, my headache is gone. It's really remarkable and I feel so much better.
He's a fantastic Chiropractor and doesn't do all the cracking and twisting others do. I think once you try him, you'll have the same opinion of him that I do, 5 STARS!