Tater Knob Pottey!
Today, June 29th of 2011, we paid a visit to Tarter Knob Pottery. Our main purpose was to present , explain, and invite Mrs. Sarah Culbreth and/or Jeff Enge to our Social Media workshop, sponsored by Berea College, EPG program. We were honored to meet with Mrs. Culbreth in our endeavors to know her and her entity better. She welcomed us with a smiling face and walked us through her shop, where we observed lots of pots, mugs, artistic drawings, oils, food stuffs like honey, and jams.
She treated us with an organic coffee and green tea.She made us feel at home in her back yard porch. Up on interviewing Mrs. Culbreth, I learned how experienced and knowledgeable she is about a business in general and marketing in particular.
She thoroughly asked us the main themes of the workshop, how it can benefit her, and how she can handle social media in the future. Our group answered her questions in a detailed and explanatory manner.
Mrs. Culbreth have being a potter for 35 years and have earned 8000 customers so far. From our interview, she reaches her clients by postal mailing technique, whenever she wants to invite them for events and/ or sales. She accepted our invitation without any hesitation.
She also showed us around her studio and let us observer her, while she made one her creative products. I recommend this wonderful place to any tourist and/or local resident not only, for the innovative and inventive products one could buy but also, for the well experienced and charming customer service a person can ever get. Luwam Okbazion