Tap 42...more like Tap forty-awesome. \r
Andrews Ave has great potential to grow into a happening hub of restaurants, bars and shops and Tap 42 is a great way to kick this off. \r
I've been on a packed night and am surprised at how comfortable one can be considering the crowds. The flow from the front of the bar, wrapping around to the outside patio is great and easy to navigate. The place is roomy and better than having to do the side-shuffle every time you have to piss.\r
The beer is, of course, the highlight of the experience. With 42 to choose from (and an always changing menu) they can satisfy any beer drinker. \r
I'm not sure who chooses the music or if it's a Pandora station, but it's EUPHORIC! The music always, even if subliminally, sets the pace for the evening and Tap does it right. A great mix between up beat, fast paced tunes and laid back; mellow music makes the beer taste even better. \r
I highly recommend Tap 42 to any Fort Lauderdaliens. Great local place. \r
As a side note, and I don't usually do this, but I can't help myself...I read a review, just before posting here, about someone being charged extra for a rocks pour and that management did not properly handle his complaints. I happen to be sitting within earshot of said person. I remember my first drink and I also remember that being a drunken whiner doesn't get anyone very far. If you have a problem, clearly explain yourself and don't try to make the server you're talking to sound stupid. They were more than willing to help you out. And then to harbor that resentment long enough to post about it. Even going as far as quoting the employees. The only thing your review did for its readers was reminding them not to be idiots when they've had too much to drink. \r
Lots of beers, great burgers, and plenty of babes! \r
Cheers Tap 42.