Ask the money payment upfront . Deliver no Service. My only comment is , pick someone else on the list (anybody else). The worst of its kind. \r
Incident no 1: \r
I payed $3000 dollars the money is gone and none of the services that was promised was ever delivered. Did not recieve any service. \r
Incident no 2:\r
This person Below had the same experience. She wrote a song for this Lawyer. You can look at her WEBSITE. You can get her contact INFO on the Website. The interesting words in het song is ""You took our three hundred dollars"" \r
I can say is I see some trend developing here, it seem t be the mode of operation.\r
t tt t tt O Tannenbaum, Harris Tannen baum\r
5 5 3 7 New Peachtree Road\r
O Tannenbaum, Mister Tannenbaum\r
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.\r
You advertised in Chinatown\r
Your immigration services\r
O Tannenbaum, Mister Tannenbaum\r
We won't forget your promises.\r
O Tannenbaum, Harris Tannenbaum\r
You took our three hundred dollars\r
O Tannenbaum, Mister Tannenbuam\r
We'll visit you in Atlanta.\r
We sent you our private documents\r
Not knowing of your carelessness\r
O Tannenbuam, Mister Tannenbaum\r
We have unfinished business.\r
go to Google scan for ""Harris TannenBaum"" - you will find the Song
Cons: Deliver no Service for money taken