I have been around animals all of my life. I recently moved out with my girlfriend, and instead of having a kid, we adopted some animals from Tallahassee Animal Shelter. The first one was a cat named timmy. After signing a waver stating that if this animal has any sickness they are not responsible. 3 days later ring worms pops up on him and my girlfriend. About 250 dollars later his ringworms and some kind of cat sickness that they are known for getting in kennels are gone. I could have bought a Ragdoll for that much. The second animal is a dog named baily. Besides being under weight when we first got her, she too contracted what I now know as kennel cough. Cost about another hundred dollars to get her right. Now to the last animal that I just got this week. A dog named skittles that is probably still up on there website. Adopted it last week and here three days later the same things. Not eating, sleeping, and sneezing. I am taking it to cross creek animal clinic today to see if, it to, has aquired this kennel cough. Once again they will probably do nothing of the sort to help the animal even though it has contracted this virus from there unsanitary facility. I would want to make a bet that almost 80% of the animals there have some sort of illness that will cost 100's of dollars to fix. I would rater pay 150 dollars upfront and the animal be in good health, than this "adopt an animal for 25 dollars" and have to spend another 200 fixing them. Another fact, I do not want to take the animal back, from articles that i have read on the internet, most animals that have a sickness they will not fix or give it shots for, more likely to just put the animal down. I just hope people read this and opt out of adopting an animal from this place and go somewhere else that wont cost you 100's (or like me into almost the 1000's now).
Its very sad to see people so happy to work there, but on the inside this place is cold and heartless.