My name is Bruce Saawtelle. I have been in the bicycle business most of my life, having worked for my Dad's company, Chevy Chase Bicycle Service, since I was a little kid. I love bikes and love riding all types of bicycles. I raced road and mountain bikes for many years, and have been a USCF race official, a race organizer, and promoter of local road races. I also love fixing bikes for people. The new equipment is amazing, but I also enjoy repairing old bikes too. My mission is to get more people on bikes so they can enjoy some of wonderful things I love about bicycling. If you already ride, I want to help make your cycling experience more fun, and look forward to having the opportunity to serve you! We have a good selection of basic parts and accessories. We have been repairing many, many bikes for Takoma Park and Silver Spring, and D.C residents. We also have a nice selection of bicycles by KHS, Terry, Redline, and Torker. Feel free to call if you have a question. You may also use the "Contact Us" form. Thanks for your patience, and I look forward to your comments and suggestions about our store and how it can best serve the community. Conveniently located in Old Town Takoma Park at 7030 Carroll Avenue Just 4 blocks from Takoma Metro. * Bicycle Retail
* Bicycle Repair
* Bicycle Parts and Accessories