Located in South Minneapolis, on Nicollet Ave and 61st. This bar has changed in clientelle over the years and has become very low class style. Illegal druugs, thug wanna bes and those who spend their welfare checks have made this their hang out of choice. The place is ok during football games but at night, the scenery changes. Once had the best Karaoke but he left because he felt the place wasn't safe to host karaoke there anymore, as I was told first hand. He was there for many years and saw the change in the clientelle. i would not recommend this place at night as it is probably not the safest choice. Once saw a "woman of the night" get thrown out of the bar and she broke a bottle and slashed the female bartender who was trying to escort her out. Bloood everywhere. She is ok though. Many bar fights between men too. Since the bar called Champion's on Lake was in trouble for druugs in the bar, the persons decided to take it on to Tailgate and try their luck at this franchise.
Skip this place and take your family out to a known reputable restaurant instead.
Pros: Food is grilled regular stuff
Cons: hard to find, easy to pass up, small parking lot, low class people hang out