I remember the Mall from when I was very little. It seemed dark and dingy, although it was an exciting adventure to me to go there.
They've had quite a facelift since then. The fountain is stil lthere, but the floors, the lighting, and everything else has been given an updating and new color scheme. I like the floor tiles and the benches, and the softer lighting fixtures.
Shops in the Mall come and go. Everything seems to be trending towards either food or clothing, and all of the clothing is trending towards skinny little young people. What's a plus-size girl to do?
I miss the bookstores that used to be there, and some of the other variety shops. Even Rite-Aid went away.
Still, good places would include Lenscrafters, Sears, JCPenney, the gaming store, and several others.
The Mall is well laid out, with "You are Here" boards placed at strategic intervals. There may be too many carts in the middle of the aisles, though - another recent trend. Sometimes it can be a little hard to navigate.