Excellent Service I was sternly anxious concerning my vehicle, as it was dented by the accident preceding month .My car lost its novel exquisiteness and shine after that .I spent lot of time researching for the best car wash which could be flawlessly suitable for my car but I was able to find out the best. And finally, my girlfriend recommended the Tacketts mill car wash where she has been washing her car for more than a year. I was skeptical about their work initially, as I had heard people complaining about them. However, when they detailed my car, even I couldn't believe that it was my car. It was perfect and I felt like my car was still in the showroom. Also, I discovered that, now the new management had taken over the Car Wash and by looking at my car I felt they are really doing their best .I was really impressed by the owner as well as the employees who were comfortable and friendly towards me. So, if you are in search of best auto detailing service and you want to be within your budget then I strongly recommend Tacketts Mill Car Wash for you.