After applying for a job on craigslist, I was contacted by a recruiter with Trak. I was told that I would need to come in and would be interviewed for the position I had originally applied for and to be there on time and dress to impress. I arrived almost a half hour early, and was not seen until almost 45 minutes after my interview was to start. The person who met me was not the person who I had been in contact with and informed me that this was, in fact, not an interview for that position that I had applied for (as it did not exist), but with Trak to try and place me, in other words there was no position and it was all a lie and a ploy to get me in there. During the interview I made it clear I wanted to stay and work downtown and the recruiter assured me that "we have so many companies downtown, you are a high priority to be placed!" That was over 6 months ago. I have yet to even have an INTERVIEW anywhere! Every few weeks she would call me, and tell me about this fabulous position that was just perfect for me, then call back two hours, or sometimes days, later and ALWAYS had the same story: "they just decided to hire internally". I also learned that they contacted my personal references and TRIED TO RECRUIT THEM! This is THE biggest joke of a company. Over 6 months, and them having me re-take every assessment, all which I have passed 100% every time, over and over again to not even gain an interview from them?? I finally told all this to my recruiter, and told her to lose my number, shred my file and to NEVER contact me again, that I was done with being strung along and lied to over and over and that they have done absolutely nothing but waste my time, energy and resources. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SHAM OF A BUSINESS!!!!!!!!