So, being that I desperately need work, and despite having attended years of college to avoid this, I decided I would look into working for TGIFridays again. I had the honor of being part of an award winning team, at a store on Colonial Drive in Orlando some years ago, and felt I could bring my experience to bear in the area where I've observed service sorely lacking in skill. First I determined the phone number of the place, through this site, CitySearch.
There's no excuse for food leaving the kitchen the way the man's baby back ribs seemed to appear, per his description. I would have comped his entire meal, and saw to it he would give us another chance, and return.
Why this wasn't part of his experience eludes me.
There is no reason the restroom should be dark and stinky, seriously. There are SO many ways to avoid that.
Finally, it really is a disappointment that in Portland, of all places, TGIFridays hasn't done more to provide healthier alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Alienate them, and you alienate the greater population of Portland. As a waiter there isn't much I can do about the menu, but serving a guest with this simple requirement merely takes some understanding and an extra minute, to provide a custom dish from the kitchen. A good server will establish a rapport with the chef(s), and this kind of request can be accommodated.
It isn't easy for me to dine out, being that I am unemployed, but, in my experience doing so locally, I have been routinely let down with service.
I called TGIFridays to inquire about how busy they were, and the opportunity to apply, join, and help the team.
Several calls went unanswered.
I suspect the city's management doesn't want top notch service personnel. Cheap labor is more important that actually meeting your guests' needs. You're moving on, soon- so make this quarter look good.
Pros: has potential.
Cons: not even trying to tap potential.