I purchased a vehicle in June 2011 from Troy Hicks the so called ""business owner"" of this fraudulent company and to this day I have no vehicle to show for the money he still has not returned to me. Basically this jerk and his side kick wife are selling vehichles and not registering them at the pos, ergo giving me the run around about not receiving the plates from the auction they get them from, then eventually reselling the same vehicle I purchased. I am now out of $2000, and the only reason why he returned $2000 of the $4000 I paid on the vehicle is because I had to report him to the BBB, DMV and chanel 8 news. He is so grimy (and ugly as hell too) that DMV is now scheduling a hearing to force him to return my refund. I didn't even mention the bad check he tried to give me in the amount of the full refund that of course he had no funds in his account to cover. Don't mess with these ghetto a&* black people unless you want to be taken advantage of or out right raped!