Our non-profit paid quite dearly for supposed expert advice to help improve organizational structure and leadership and to recruit a senior director to help take our organization to the next level. Not only did following Syzygy's overpriced recommendations result in no benefit, but doing so was the catalyst to the decimation of the organization with one crisis after another, for which Syzygy's placement was ill-equipped to handle, worsening some of these situations. Syzygy had no prediction whatsoever of any of these brewing issues due to its gross mis-assessment of our organization and its dynamics, its key stakeholders and their motivations or capabilities, the very candidates it culled and especially our industry and its distinct demands. Syzygy very convincingly passed itself off as an authority but did no homework as to our unique needs to actually provide true authoritativeness to us. Finally, Syzygy's promised transitional support was imperceptible if extant at all. Don't be fooled by Syzygy.