First of all the sylvan in Cedar Hill had- yes had-a great director of education. She was very knowledgeable about education, state testing and all the requirements concerning passing t the next grade, special education etc. She and she alone were the reasons that several of us decided to taken our children there for testing. She would meet with us the day of testing and explain the process, then when they got the results she was usually the one to review then with us. She was so nice and honest even telling me that since my child was an easy stress-er and worried about deadlines. having too much on his plate etc- that maybe the summer might be a better time for him to work on his skills. She was very upfront about the cost and the need for him to be comfortable in his surroundings. We were so grateful for her. Now I understand that she is gone the the regular center director is in charge. I have heard that she is only interested in making her bonus whatever it takes. Just read the oth