Although the Swig/Sauce/The Corner collections seems to light up City Search's-Best of Milwaukee something just isn't right. Anyone who has dined or sat for a drink at a Sorge establishment know's that these restaurant/bars are far from top of the line. At Swig not only is the food lack-luster and over-priced the atmosphere is uneasy. Uneasy mostly because of the lack of patrons but, also because of the pretentiousness displayed by the owners which trickles down to the staff. They'd have you believe you were dining among aristocrats! This should speak for itself, however the rave reviews that Swig, Sauce and The Corner recieve on City Search obviously constitutes voter fraud. Investigate for yourself if you like, but those positive reviewers seem to only frequent Sorge establishments while negative reviewers have a myriad of dining destinations on their profiles. Now I am not one to talk, as far as depth of reviews go, but test the waters if you like.
Pros: Great Location
Cons: Food, Prices, Attitude