I went in for the first and only time back in October to have a consultation for getting my wisdom teeth removed. While there, the doctor took x-rays of my teeth and informed me that I had a cavity on my top right molar. He said he could easily fill it then, so I got it filled. He had to laser off part of my gums to fill it and then did so. About a week later I got my wisdom teeth removed, and after the pain from that went away I started having an achy pain in that top right molar but figured I was healing slower than normal. Now, this week it has gotten so horribly that my molar feels like it's going to fall out, is throbbing and painful and no amount of OTC pain meds will make it hurt any less. So being out of town I went to a dentist who took more x-rays. What I found out was that the dentist at Island Gentle Dental put the filling over my nerve and it has been slowly killing the inside of my tooth. He never informed me of this risk, I had no idea it could happen, and never told me that there was any issues with my nerve beforehand. So now I have to either have my tooth completely removed or have a painful root canal at 19 years old. Do not go here. They're careless and I wouldn't want anyone to go through the pain I've experienced and having to LOSE a tooth because I was getting a simple feeling. Needless to say I want my money for the filling back.