Sweet Repeats provides an exceptional value in previously owned couture fashion and accessories. The selection of St. John's, Escada, Armani, Celine, Chanel and many other designers, is beyond the scope of other shops that I have frequented through the years. Unique to other consignment shops, Sweet Repeats only accepts recent fashions in excellent condition. The initial prices are set well below retail, and the shop has a standard method of reducing prices throughout the season. The service is outstanding and is highly professional. I have been a very happy client of Sweet Repeats for a number of years, have enjoyed getting to know the owners and the sales team and, as a result, I have gained great confidence in making fashion selections based on their practiced experience. Shopping at Sweet Repeats is a fun-filled, enjoyable and remarkable experience. I highly recommend it!
Pros: Centrally located, ample parking, great service, strong value vs. retail