I'm surprised to see 60+ 5 star reviews on this company. Wait... They probably made fake accounts to say ""good things"". Please don't believe them.
This company lies to everyone they pick up. They will tell you ANYTHING to get your vehicle in their yard. They will LIE and say your dealer (BMW, benz, VW, etc) roadside sent them, or your insurance sent them or even AAA. DON""T BELIEVE A WORD! The dealer has no way of knowing you were in an accident UNLESS YOU CALL THEM FIRST!
Please tell me how these trucks can arrive right after you were involved in an accident if you haven't even called anybody yet. This is how they do it, they have police scanners and radio's, their job is to listen for any sign of a collision over the radio and they send the driver immediately, best part, I've seen them run red lights and speed just to get to you before anyone else.
This company is NOT AAA approved, NOT dealer approved, and best of all they just lost their contract with Mercury insurance. They will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you in their shop.
Ask me how I know? I work for the REAL AAA roadside assistance and this company steals our member's car's and charges them in excess of $600 to get their cars out the very next day!
If you are ever unfortunate enough to have these people pick you up after an accident, call the police or at least threaten to and see how they react and DON""T SIGN ANYTHING! That's how they trap you.
Please, if you ever have to do anything right after a serious incident, don't let them come near you!