It's my disastrous experience living here. At the begining, I was living in the first floor and it has a serious problem with the ceiling. Whenever the upstairs walk around,it made very lound and annoying crack sound. I and my friends think it's too loud to tolerate and talked to the leasing office. However, they did nothing and just said it's not loud enough. If I want to do the transfer I have to pay $200 more a month. They always want to squeeze your money once you move in.
And after I did the transfer with higher rent. A new problem happened, the water pipe made a louder noise whenever the neighbor turn on the tap. I talked to leasing office again and their response is ""do not expect nothing here. It's an old community"". I paid money and can't expect a good living environment is their logic. Thank god I only signed half a yr lease.
After I moved out, they squeeze your money again. They charged me paiting fee besides those expensive cleaning fees. It doesn't make any sense since I did nothing to the painting and I just lived there a couple of months. How come I should pay for the paiting which is their maintainence responsibility. Anyway almost all the deposit.
So if you want to waste your a lot money and don't care about living in a unmaintained old apt and can handle those unreasonable execuses then you can go ahead.
Pros: No
Cons: Too many to list