Photo-rejuvenate Treatment ($100) Monmouth Facial offers a discount for your first treatment. ASK!
it is a light based technology. It erases the signs of aging and other skin damages from your face and also your body. It can increase moisture retention, promote collagen production and cellular activities, increase lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, and improve skin function and skin firmness.
Collagen Mask Treatment ($100)
-100% Collagen mask hydrates and renovates the skin.
AlgoMask + ($100) ------Clinical Skin Care Treatment, GM Collin
A thermo corrective skin treatment, it creates a cooling effect on the skin, to decongest and soothe. Its algae extracts promote hydration, reduces redness and restore the healthy look of all skin types. It instantly leaves the skin radiant. A 3-in-1 clinical cares for a well-hydrated skin and a brightened complexion.
Sea C SPA Treatment ($100) ------ Clinical Skin Care Treatment, GM Collin
A powerful elective clinical treatment originating entirely from marine and botanical active ingredients; Sea C Spa unique concept combines a vitamin C concentrated, a moisturizing algae patches and an organic mud mask. It gives long-lasting result on the fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a youthful skin appearance.
Botinol Treatment (No Needle, no pain, no risk) ($150) Clinical Skin Care Treatment, GM Collin
-The most effective anti-aging clinical treatment for superficial and deeper wrinkles ever introduced in skin care.
Available for all skin types and conditions, it gives an average reduction of lines and wrinkles of over 60% after one treatment.
Make a separate page for Waxing. Facial Treatments:
* Clarifying Moisture Mask
* Collagen Mask Treatment
* Eye Mask & Upper Lip Treatment Mask
* Nick Treatment Mask
* Photo-Rejuvenate Treatment
* Pure Liquid Retioinol Face Mask
* Sea C Treatment
Waxing Services:
* Crystal Foot Spa
* Deep Tissue Full Body Massage
* Anti-Stress Back Massage
* Foot Massage