When I purchased my boat one of my twin engines blew up almost immediately. I went through two marine mechanics that were unable to even correctly diagnose the problem. Being a boat owner, you will find a lot of mechanics that claim to be marine mechanics, but really they're not and like to learn on your dime. I'll be nice and not mention them on this post. \r
I ran into Suncoast Evinrude to pickup some OEM parts, and was impressed with how helpful they were and decided to bring my boat in an give them a try. It turned out that they were spot on with all their troubleshooting, and what I would consider, Master Evinrude mechanics. I dealt with their DI Mechanic Don and he was by far the best marine mechanic I've ever dealt with. If I would have know they service Yamaha too, I would have brought my previous boat to them as well. Feel free to contact me with any questions, but I believe my post says it all.\r