Sunchase Apartments advertises that they handle maintanence issues as quickly as possible, Well the bath room lighting had went out in my bathroom over the weekend. So I immediately called on Monday morning to report the problem. They informed me it would be handled that day. Didn't happen. I called again on Tuesday morning. they informed me again it would be handled that day. Didn't happen. I called again on Wednesday morning, I was informed that ""had the work order"" and would handle after all emergencies were handlled. Upon every calling occasion, I asked if I could come and get the florecent lighting and install it myself, ""No"" was the answer.\r
I asked if I were to contact the owners of the property would I get a faster response, they stated ""If you like!"". Ten minutes later maintenance was knocking at my door. What a lot of trouble just to get a light bulb changed (3 days!).