This Place Provides Loans With very Low Interest Rates and reports to the credit Bureau to Help Raise Your Credit rating if you Pay your Bills On time and Need a Quick Loan this is the Place to go. It is Great fro Kids school Supply Loans or whatever you May need the Loan for. They are Friendly as Well. I went there for a Loan and Have Very Poor Credit they gave Me a Small Loan Which I was approved for I paid it off and was approved For a Bigger Loan because My credit with them was Initiated. I strongly recommend them . You can also Call Them to see if you Qualify for A Loan before you go. As I Live A ways a way from them and with Gas Prices. i did Not want to Go and Not qualifty so I did MY application Over the Phone. It was Great and No Hassles. They Specialize in loans from 100-500.00 and they also Do Taxes as well.\r
And Remember Rebecca Murry Sent you ;) By the way World Finance and security Finance are the same company;)
PROS: Low Interest loans,Easy Monthly payments,Great C