I was unlucky enough to stay at this establishment. We booked out all the cottages so we would not have to worry about disturbing anyone. We had booked it out for a wedding party, including the bride and groom. We had the right number of people booked to each cottage and maintained those numbers throughout the weekend. \r
So the first thing you do on arrival is read the manual of rules, regulations and guidelines. Second we get nagged by the witch who owns the place about parking, number of people and paying. Throughout the weekend she would go into our cabins and find things that were wrong, dirty, out of place or anything she just didn't like and bring them to our attention. And who knows what else she did in there! She called the police on us twice, both times blaming the neighbors. The cops explained she had called, they are used to her calling and she does this all the time. (Sunappe Police Officers are very pleasant by the way!) Both times she called the police we were simply sitting on the porches having some drinks. No music, the music was inside with the doors shut. I guess the sound of people talking is too loud. \r
At the end of the weekend I believe she overcharged every single person, My fiance and I actually cancelled our credit card to prevent her from illegally charging us and sent her an e-mail if she needed to charge us to bring it up with our lawer (she never wrote back). Even if you follow every rule in the rule book you read on arrival, she will still find something to charge you for. \r
Ex: Too many people walked in and out of your cottage so she will charge for an extra couple for the entire weekend. Your curtain has a ""red"" spot that will never come out and she will have to buy an entire new set. You walked through or touch her garden and she wont even charge you, she might just hunt you down and do who knows what.\r
Please spread the word about this place... Its sad to think other people have to go through this and deal with this witch\r
Pros: the cottages are cute
Cons: The scam artist who owns them!