Paid the $100 for the background check for a rental, three days later we received a phone call saying that we were denied the rental and we would get a letter in the mail explaining the denial. 21 days after the phone call we still did not receive the letter saying why we were denied, I sent them an email saying that we did not receive the letter. I immediately got a response asking for a good mailing address, I replied back with our mailing address. I than got an email saying that we were denied because of our rental history, they said that we have 2 evictions and late payments. I sent back a response saying that I really need to see the report, neither one of us has ever been evicted from anywhere, we still live in the same apartments for the last 5 1/2 years, and before that we lived in a place that we owned, and that I am looking at the last 18 months of rent payments and I see 1 late payment that was made 1 day late. I never got a response back from them. Another 21 days has past and I still have not gotten the letter saying why we were denied, nor have I gotten any responses from e-mails.