I was recommended by primary care physician to go for therapy because of my feelings of depression and anxiety. I went to the Behavioral Health Department of Summit Medical Center located on Springfield Ave in Berkeley Heights. I requested a male therapist and started my therapy with Dr. Korman . I later found out that he is the Department Chair at this facillity. Unfortunately, it was an awful expeience. Dr. Korman seemed very aloof, and insensistive. Furthermore, I felt he was ""clock watching"". After my session I requested another therapist and I was told by one of the receptionists"" you'll have to wait to ge an appointment with another therapist, and maybe you should see the psychiatrist."" \r
A referral to see a psychiatrist from the office receptionist. Does she have a medical degree or adavanced psychological training to be able to make that recommendtion.\r
Needless to say I never went back. I told my primary care physician at Summit Medical about my experience.. He referred me to a psychologist outside the Summit Medical Group. I am happy to say I am very pleased with my new therapist..\r