I just went to this resevoir for the first time this 4th of July. It was a beautiful lake with wonderful waters. I stayed in one of its campgrounds and for the first couple of days everything went so well, it was heavenly (funny[ish] story to follow.) The water was perfect temperature. It wasnt too cold like a mountain lake, yet it wasnt too warm so you feel like you're swimming in pee. It was just perfect. The weather outside was really hot, I'd say 90 something. But when you went into the water it surprised you for just a second, and then the rest was just pure bliss with freshness flowing into your body.
hmm....but what happened on July 3rd?
One of my friends and I were relaxing in the sun after a nice swim when everyone starts screaming "get out of the water, get out of the water!" There were two OTTERS in the water who had just ATTACKED a man! Here are the ghory details (sorry!): they chewed on his ears and scratched up his back.
But that wasnt it. Apparently a 16-year-old girl got attacked just 2 days before! She had (prepare) bites all over her arm, foot, and BUTT!
Have you ever heard of ferocious otters before?
I didnt think so.
They closed down the lake and all the trails after that.
But after all of that, I still have wonderful memories of that water and all the joy it brought us on our Fourth of July weekend. (and a couple surprises.)