For the sake of your pets, please do NOT ever go here. We took our 3.5 year old Jack Russell Terrier there to be boarded. She was in perfect health, had been fixed, vaccinated, the works. The vet technician responsible for taking her out while she was boarded, carelessly took her off leash in an unsecured walking pen. Our dog got out, ran to the road, and was killed. We consider this to be negligence on part of the vet's office, and despite covering the costs of our dogs' final arrangements (as they should have), their insurance offered only $200 to cover the loss we felt after this tragedy. We had used this vet for four years, we expected better. We held this vet's office to a higher standard and were grossly disappointed. Nothing can bring back the loss of a pet, but there is nothing worse than losing a dog when you leave her in the care of a professional expected to protect her. Please do not take your pet to this vet's office, find a safe place for your loved one.