Urbano Flores, the Owner of Stream Top Company Inc. has over 35 yrs. of experience on all roofing systems. He started in the early 80's with Porter Roofing. In the early 90's he went to work for Gulf Stream Inc., making them the Master Contractors for Firestone for over a decade. In 2007, he established the brother company of Gulf Stream Inc., becoming Stream Top Company Inc.Since then he has successfully completed over 100 Lowe's hardware and it's distributing centers with TPO systems. He has installed various roofing systems on Stadiums, Home Depots, Schools, thousands of Retail Centers, Skyscrapers, Apartment building's and over 10,000 homes across the Nation. As a premier company dedicated to providing premier customer service, it is important to us to deliver unparalleled workmanship on every assignment. We offer a wide range of services to meet your project needs and ensure durable and cost effective workmanship.On complete new roof systems, we offer 5 yr. warranty on workmanship for the home owner. By selecting STREAM TOP COMPANY Inc. for your next roof system guarantees that you have the top for the storms.