Signing up for headstart has been a nightmare. My child is on the waiting list due to staff errors. After waiting since March, my daughter is somehow been placed at the bottom of the waiting list!!! They have made one error after another and I get a different story from each staff member I speak to. Now, they tell me I will need to reapply for next year....for what?? So I can be mis-instructed and get the wrong info again, after promising child school!! First they say transportation is available, then it's not, then they don't send the bus this far due to gas prices unless the child is coded, so my child is coded, then there is no room...I'm sick of the excuses and constant change of reasons why my child cannot attend school. I'm truly disgusted with the process and the hoops I have jumped through, not to mention the headaches it has caused me and the heartache it has caused my child!! Shame on them for broken promises and shame on me for believing them!!! Do I really want my child going to school that practices like this???