Our family recently lost a close family member that we loved very much. He was such a kind and humble person. A TRUE friend to those who knew him. He struggled financially as he had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis since 10th grade. We were asked what funeral home to use, and Stoudenmire-Dowling came to mind. BIG MISTAKE! Granted, our loved one had no insurance, so we relied on what we had and the contributions of friends/family. Mr. S. Dowling was VERY rude and pretty much treated us like scum because we were struggling a little to raise the money for the services. When I emailed him asking if he would take the $500 we had raised so far to go towards the first half, he literally chuckled and responded, ""NO MA'AM .... ad I thought we made that clear on Thursday!"" He then went on to say ... ""I think we have gone above and beyond the call of duty as we have not yet seen ONE DIME!"" I have THIS in writing from him in my email mailbox. I was shocked at how rude and cold-hearted he was - Especially at a time like this. However, he will be paid in FULL today, as it seems our loved will be held hostage until we pay his ransom. People have really come together to help us because of the way we were treated and hurt by Mr. Dowling.
Stay Away .... Do not subject your family to the rudeness of the employees there. They're just in it for the money ... NO COMPASSION!