I brought in my cat that was very very sick yesterday and we knew that it had to be put down and I walked in because we were desperate because he was struggling to breathe, a tech came out, Erika and I told her about the cat struggling to breathe and we needed it put down, she then asked, Do you have an appointment? WELL NO!! He got sick and it was an Emergency.....she said they could not do anything since we did not have an appt (MIND YOU, THERE WAS NOT A SOUL SITTING IN THE WAITING ROOM) and the next appt was at 4 pm that day, it was 10 am when we walked in. I told her this cat is struggling to breathe, he is suffering, she said sorry, cannot do anything without an appt. They are not in the business for the animals or they would have made room to put this poor animal down, they are in it for the MONEY!!!! I was very nice and polite, but what I should have done was walked back in and demanded to see a vet or the manager. That is the most inhuman