I wanted to take the time to thank you for helping me to quit smoking. I started 22 years ago thinking it was cool, as I grew older, I found I could not stop no matter what method I tried. The patch, gum, ""SmokeAway,"" and Zyban were unsuccessful attempts that literally caused me to believe I would never stop. The stop smoking clinics home study course changed that, it allowed and empowered me to take control of a very addictive, destructive, and deadly habit. I am now smoke free and have the freedom to live as a good example to my children, and family. The knowledge and insight the program offers are vital in understanding what Smoking can do and what you can do to stop it. I hope anyone serious about quitting will try this program. IT DOES WORK. Cecilia, Thank you for helping me quit. I can never thank you enough. (My wife and children thank you as well) I have a new lease on life, and I intend on using it to it's full potential. Deputy M. Andrews......Virginia
Pros: IT DOES WORK. 2 weeks,
Cons: no cons i can think of...