This place is lots of fun in large part because they have so many free samples (they always have most of their jellies and sauces and things available to taste with a cracker or a pretzel). The staff don't seem to mind if you sample several things. From time to time they are also preparing a sample of some cooked food for customers to try. Since the stuff is a little bit on the high end (not outrageous, but of course more expensive than in a regular grocery store), it's nice to be able to try things out. They have some nice household items, like soaps and lotions. Their lavender line is highly recommended. If you buy the lavender dryer/laundry sachets, you can just use them as a regular sachet (at less than the cost of buying something labeled as a lavender sachet). Great place to pick up gifts. The store is very convenient to one of the side entrances.