BEST DOCTOR- My Family and I, and many of our friends and associates over the last three decades, have been patients of Dr. Stirling. We are convinced he is the best dermatologist anywhere as well as the epitome of what a physician should be. He works 6 days a week. He can see patients the day they call. Our wait to see him on a given day is far less than other doctors. He always takes time to see and treat you carefully. He is kind, knowledgeable and capable. His diagnostic abilities are precise and effective. His medical and surgical treatment is equally precise and efficient. We feel so fortunate to have- past, present and future- the advantage of his skillful care. His staff reflects his standards. We know them well. Friendly, capable and supportive, they fully concur with our assessment of Dr. Stirling.
Dr. Stirling is meticulous as a surgeon of the skin, a skill he taught UCLA residents for many years as professor of medicine and dermatology. He doesn�¢??t �¢??drop instruments�¢??. He requires of his staff and himself up front communication- verbal and written-before services are rendered. No medicine is used or growth removed or surgery performed without prior informed consent by the patient. Fees are made known to the patient before, not after, a service is rendered, as well as health insurance procedures. The practice as we experience it is a happy place. A patients participation therein is at the patients election .There are no mandates.
BLOGGING- is an expression of our first amendment rights to freedom of speech. However, rights are limited and require responsibility. We can�¢??t yell �¢??fire�¢?? in a crowded theater. Nor speak lies (�¢??slander�¢??) nor write lies (�¢??libel�¢??). In December 2011 a blogger who elected to blog lies against a plastic surgeon for lost a lawsuit for same, (�¢??Carlotti vs Petta�¢??). An award of $12 million December 2011 was made to Dr.Carlotti MD for defamation and loss.
The individual blogging of Dr. Stirling over the last 4 years (see below) is comprised of false statements deliberately designed to cause financial loss . Google has been notified. Given said notice Google exposes their own deep pockets to damages for their publication of defamatory statements against Dr. Stirling. We ask this matter be stopped immediately by Google and the false, financially damaging blogs be removed immediately. Let freedom of speech be practiced responsibly AND legally by Google as well as their bloger whose false statements Google publishes.