If you use your credit card directly in the pump outside to pay for your gas, the cashiers/manager take no responsibility! It doesn't help that they probably don't really care - probably just working there until they complete their nursing exams... The manager thinks customers are stupid, telling things like the receipt shows 14.58 gallons (on a car that takes less than 11 gallons) because the gas price is so high ($2.899/gallon) - Imagine saying such a thing to a customer on Easter Sunday!
The issue is still not resolved. My credit card shows a charge of $42.27 to fill in a Corolla - Imagine at $2.899 a gallon?!
Seriously, if you want to get your gas and be on the go in a matter of minutes, just don't go there! I wish I didn't. Gas was cheaper closer to my home anyway :(
Cons: Bad Service, No responsibility, No respect