Ill keep coming back to this store for all my car stereo gear . Just after i got my bonus check .I was looking for a place to get the best deal i could on my car stereo(mp3 player) . I didnt even know that it was possible but the guys at Stereo City filled two of my needs al at once. I've wanted a mp3 player for a long time but not sure what was out in the market. So when i said that to the guy behind the counter at Stereo City He said For a little more money than what i was going to spend he could see to it i would not be looking for a mp3 player for a long time . My ears perk up tell me more i said he went in the backroom and brought back the lastest and greatest car stereo cd mp3(mp3 is portable and needs no batteries) stereo he just got in. I was not to sure about i was hearing (to much tech stuff) but when he went to add up a deal for me ,and came back with a deal that wasnt to much more what i was ready to pay, it was way less then what i would of paid for separately . I 'm here to tell you if you no what you want you might want to go to Stereo City and look around you might jusy get all your stereo needs fulfilled . even if your not sure what they are. and the price is inline for the service you will get . and they delivered my car to my work when it was done . Thats going the extra mile . seeya late out\r
Pros: great variety smart emploees, installing was free
Cons: zero