I would never recommend to anyone that they should go to Steps. I was there recently and was treated with contempt by the clinical director Jason from the first day I was there. Also, they kept packing new clients into the facility until it was bursting at the seems. There was way too much going on at once for anyone to have any kind of one on one care that they need. It was a nightmare with over 25 clients there, people paring off into cliques and the loud and aggressive drowning out and intimidating the more quiet and suffering clients. After 5 days I still didn't know who my personal counselor was going to be. When I decided to leave the facility, I was shocked when I was loaded up in a car and told I could go to Walmart or McDonald's. I was just dumped at McDonald's even though they knew my closest ride was five hours away. I wouldn't have done that to my worst enemy. I gave them no trouble, I was quiet and stayed to myself. I realize that it is all about the money and not about the client. I would look around and study the different options that are out there before I spent that kind of money.