I was engaged in a custody dispute with my ex-husband. Basically, husband didn't want a divorce after he found out how much support for three children was. Then he attempted everything in his power to take my children. It is difficult to effectively write about this man and not use the forbidden expletives. So just think of what expletives you would use if a doctor involved in your court case wrote a clearly biased report (since your ex-husband paid for the report), sent your children to a "specialist" for evaluation who turned out to be his very close doctor friend (they actually share the same billing person); quite a cozy relationship and way for him to bill twice as much money (unethical). and also prescribed all your children pills to cope. The matter was settled when I revealed his underhanded cozy relationship with his doctor friend and refused to shut up about it. I got threatening letters for me to stop writing about it, to stop talking about it, yeah whatever. He wrote a report that I was dangerous. The only thing dangerous about me is that I would not shut up, I was vocal and would not shut up. I got my children after I had him by his huevos. He is a legal [expletive] [you can fill this part in]. You will be surely sorry if you are not the paying party.
Cons: I feel his is unthical but remember that's my opinion