This vinyl and wood fence job was one of those distressing home ""improvement"" experiences that we all dread. Although their price was (by far) the highest that I was quoted, I selected this contractor because he carried the brand of vinyl fencing that I wanted and had confidence in.
The vinyl sections, which the salesman implied would be matched lengths were not. The last section, following four approximately 8-foot sections, is 18 inches (!!!) long. Bordered by two large square posts, it looks patently ridiculous.
The salesman admitted the foul-up, but his ""solution"" was hardly any better. He offered to re-cut two of the larger length sections into four medium-lengths, with yet more extra posts! So we'd have some 8-ft and some 5-ft (approx) lengths along the same leg of fence. Weird!
As for the wooden fence, the installers broke the top off a picket and inexplicably (even to the salesman) somehow managed to sink a screw (or nail) at the vertex of the two fence legs from the wooden post, puncturing the white vinyl post. This screw seems to serve no purpose whatsoever, and we couldn't even figure out how they managed to insert it.
Further, although the salesman was advised that our yard is extremely sandy, and the wooden posts must NECESSARILY be sunk into a cement base, as had been done by a previous contractor, this company FAILED to do that. It wasn't noticed until my dog jumped against the fence and it wobbled like crazy. The company had to return after the spring thaw to dig around the posts and fill with cement.
This experience was nothing short of a disaster.
Bottom line: This is the company to choose ONLY IF are already an expert in fence building can stay on-site to supervise the workers don't mind paying top-dollar
Pros: They showed up.
Cons: Everything else, I'm afraid....