State farm is a great neighbor if you don’t mind shelling out your premium money and then God forbid you have a claim.\r
Recently I received a letter indicating my auto insurance rates will be raised due to a 5 mile over the speed limit ticket and a minor auto claim. Not only do I insure my two vehicles with State Farm, we also have Home, Life, Umbrella, and disability policy with State Farm insurance. \r
There is ZERO faith that State Farm insurance has in there policy holders. There are allot of other insurance company’s and this seems to be the right a consumer seems to have, leave state farm insurance\r
Pay your premiums but put a claim in and up with your rates in a heartbeat State Farm Insurance is A CROOK out to get you... Stay away and beware there is NO forgiveness of any kind with this company. Even if you pay your bill and are never late. State Farm is one Neighbor I NEVER WANT TO HAVE AGAIN\r