If you intend to rent from this company make sure you get an itemized statement and make sure you check your credit card the next day since their customer service and accounting procedures are inadequate to say the least. I have rented from numerous limo companies throughout California and worst company I have ever dealt with.
Everything started out well in the morning. The driver picked us up on time and we were off for our morning of wine tasting. The driver drove so fast through the canyons through Highway 46 that a couple of our passengers were car sick before getting to the first winery and champagne glasses were flying out of their cupholders. We were told to hurry up at the last winery since our driver had to get back even though we were told that we could go over by any amount of time we wanted at the start of the day.
The next day I went to check my statement to see how much the extra half hour had cost and this is where the problems had begun. First, They charged my card 3X. Twice for the amount owed on the original reservation and once for an incorrect amount. They refunded the double charge and stated that they had two separate companies and charged me for both companies. Then I requested an itemized receipt for the extra charges for the time I went over since it seemed high and they said they would call me back later that day and of course I never got a call back. I finally received an email after 4 days, 8 phone calls, 10 emails, total frustration and stating that I would go to the BBB and my credit card company to settle this billing issue. When I received the email with the final statement I discovered that they charged me $68 too much. A week later and I'm still waiting to get my $68 credit to my account and hoping that it doesn't take too much longer and that I won't have to file a complaint with the BBB to get my money back