I went to Star Tavern last nite 12/10/11 around 7:30pm my wife and I with the expectation of enjoying a good meal and much wanted r&r. But when we arrived we waited on there little rickety chairs and was seated in an awkward place near the bar with patrons rears in our faces. Then to make matters worse when we asked to be reseated the young gum popping hostess told us we could not change our seating. And gave some lame inconsiderate answer of no changes of seats to a booth. I explained we had not been served any food or drinking this may be her reason for denying us a different place to sit and enjoy ourselves but no she refused to have an open mind on courtesy. So, I politely went back to my seat only to be further humiliated. By the manager (SARAH0 what a b---h. Telling my at her best prison guard voice of sit there and like it. Even though I was not talking to her and was just explaining to our young polite waiter what the problem was and how stupid there unwritten policy is to deny a patron the opportunity to change there seating. This just totally destroyed our nite and made the food lose its taste. After this encounter and rude addressing we plan never to come back to this place even though we have been there on many other occasions. But after dealing with Nurse Ratchet from the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, SARAH) AND HER INCOMPETENT GUM POPPING HOSTESS our food tasted bad. oN TOP OF THIS the (Everything Pizza)) was badly burned on the crust and we could not finish the meal. No apology, or attempt to move us to a more comfortable place. How would you like to have someone treat you like a 5 year old and jump into your conversation. They are a rude bunch. THEY ALL SHOULD TAKE A CLASS IN HUMAN AND CUSTOMER COURTESY. Manager- SARAH couldn't manage one of my stores and oh yes I am a business man in West Orange we sell jewelry. STAR TAVERN YOU CAN KEEP IT. AND I WOULD LOVE TO MEET THE OWNER AND TELL HIM HOW HIS STORE IS BEING RUN IN HIS ABSENCE. OR DOES HE KNOW AND DON'T CARE. PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL!!!