There are times when it is great to be able to take several kids to a movie without paying the national debt. This is the place!!
However, be prepared to put up with screaming kids, dirty floors, miserably uncomfortable seats and an unusual and offensive smell.
And I can even tolerate this to save $50 when I have all the grandkids together...but I have a real tough time handling the rude, almost mummy-like associates working at the Starship.
The best thing about it is that with the money you save on admission, you can afford to by the kids treats AND you even get a free refill on a large popcorn!
When you pack up to go to the starship be sure to take a cushion to sit on and an air mask to block the odors, and you've got your self a bargain!! That not too much of an inconvenience for a savings of $6 per person.
I may have a lot of bad things to point out, but I'll continue to go there because it is such a good deal!