Robert S. Lewis, 14 yrs old formally from Fredericktown, Mo, son of Veronica Reavis, wreaks havoc on the Eversole family causing a split. I hate to say it that 2 families can't live in the same roof, and here's my proof of it. you see i was only trying to protect my family from harm, but I can say that i failed. What gives the right for Robert to put his hand in private areas of my wife and get away with it . This goes to show you that he has no respect. Family services should have taken the boy away from his mother in the first place before we ever moved to Fredericktown, Mo and we wouldn't be going through this now.This isn't the only thing he has done.I can tell you more but it wouldn't do me any good. He also has broken in my home along with his father and the police didn't do anything. the Bible states let know man or woman come between a husband and wife or they pay the price for what they do.I am now trying to save my marriage now with Gods help and prayer a miracle will happen. I pray everyday for a miracle and i believe God does hear my prayer. I ask now what will Missouri family services do now since my family is apart, suggestion order marriage counseling for us, because we have children in this to. Please help and encourage them to help.