There's a lot of competition among local hospitals for maternity patients, and with good reason--it's one hospital stay that people have plenty of time to plan for and look forward to. In Towson, GBMC seems to be the hospital of choice (it's big, and I'm told has a lot to offer) but based on my own experiences and in talking to friends, I'd recommend St. Joseph's instead.
St. Joe's has everything to offer that larger hospitals do (including a maternity ward with only private rooms that look more like hotel rooms, which is quite common now in all area hospitals) but the care you get is much more personal. I've heard horror stories from women who gave birth at other facilities about feeling pressured into interventions they didn't want and who had nurses who were downright unpleasant. At St. Joe's you won't run into anything like that. The staff members are respectful and caring and always put their patient first. For my second birth, I was very specific in wanting no interventions--I didn't even want people counting at me when I was pushing. I was so impressed that the nurses all *remembered* everything I asked and followed through. Giving birth isn't always a pleasant experience, but at St. Joe's they do everything they can to make it as pleasant as possible.