St. John's Sleep Disorders Center, located on the third floor of St. John's Hospital, is a nationally accredited, full-service sleep disorders center.
We diagnose and set up treatment for a variety of sleep disorders. The sleep techs, nurse practitioners and board-certified neurologists and pulmonologist at the Sleep Disorders Center help patients with all types of sleep disorders, the most common being obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia.
During your initial Sleep Disorders Center appointment, you will receive a brief physical examination along with a comprehensive interview to review symptoms, complaints, and overall patient health history. Please bring your completed health questionnaire, which will be mailed to you, with you to your first appointment.
We offer the following services to our patients:
* Initial Sleep Disorders Center appointment to receive consultation with a sleep specialist.
* Sleep study to diagnose certain sleep disorders. A repeat sleep study may also be performed to evaluate treatment during sleep. Results are sent to the referring physician and communicated to patient.
* Follow-up appointment to discuss sleep study results and treatment options.
* Additional services following initiation of treatment including a CPAP compliance program and other assistance measures to help patients.