Our team of physicians and staff provide care to patients with complex neurological conditions. We have the region''s only Level 1 trauma center, CyberKnife radiosurgery, pediatric neuro-surgery, deep brain stimulation, epilepsy surgery and telemedicine services. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about our program or the information provided here.
Can you imagine that your hand or arm shakes so badly that you cant write your name or that your muscles freeze up when you try to get out of a chair or walk across a room? Most people have a hard time envisioning their life like this but that is the reality for people living with Parkinson''s disease, essential tremors or dystonia. Since 2005, St. John''s has offered Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as a possible option for those living with these life-changing disorders. DBS is proven to control the tremors, muscle stiffness and slowness of moment.