I went to St. James back in the 1980s from 6th to 8th grade before heading off to IWA and Ray. We went to church here too. I had a rough time here, since I was not from Texas and I wasn't used to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. However, I got a fantastic education here, and I still think back to reading Great Expectations in Mrs. Parr's English class in 7th grade, when almost everyone I've talked to since then wouldn't even tackle it till high school. We went on great trips, to New Orleans, all over the Hill Country, etc. My brother's 9th grade class went to Washington DC. His was the first 9th grade at St. James, and I don't know if they still have it or not (being up here in Seattle and all). Anyway, it taught me some good life lessons and even though I hated it at the time (I wasn't a popular rich kid, and it was junior high - nuff said), I'm glad I went.